

Metcon (Time)
2 Rounds for Time:
1 Bear Complex, 135/95#
30 T2B
400m Run

Time cap: 18 Minutes

Rx+: All 7 rounds of bear complex unbroken.

Bear complex:
7 sets:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press

Rx+: you may rest the bar in any position (hang, front rack, back rack, but your hands must stay in contact with the bar and the bar may not rest on the floor.

Masters 55+(Rx):
Barbell: 95/65#
500m Row

Barbell: 115/85#, 105/75#, 95/65#, or lighter
Decreased ROM T2B, Knee Raises, V-Ups