Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD!!
Buy in: 400m run, 45/35#
Squat Cleans, 155/105#
Shuttle Sprints, 10m
Rest 3:00
Squat Cleans, 175/125#
Shuttle Sprints, 10m
Cash Out: 400m run, 45/35#
Record the time to complete.
Both partners run with a 45/35#.
Barbell: 135/95#, 115/85#, or lighter
Plate: 35/25# or lighter
Sign up to volunteer or judge Saturday and Sunday.
We also need help with set up and tear down of the rig and equipment
Friday and Sunday afternoon.
You will get free shirt, meals, and drinks!
2. August 11th we will be performing “Saman” instead of the Partner WOD in
honor of the Thai Navy Seal, Saman Gunan, who gave his life during the
rescue of the Thai soccer team.