Monday WOD
Push Jerk + Split Jerk (1×1)
12 minutes to build to a heavy single of the complex
Metcon (Time)
For time:
15 Power Clean and Jerks, Rx 95/65, (Rx+ 135/95)
10 Power Clean and Jerks, Rx 135/95, (Rx+ 155/105)
5 Squat clean and jerks, Rx 155/105, (Rx+ 185/125)
1 squat clean and jerk, Rx 185/125, (Rx+ 225/155)
15 Power Clean and Jerks, Rx 95/65, (Rx+ 135/95)
10 Power Clean and Jerks, Rx 135/95, (Rx+ 155/105)
5 Squat clean and jerks, Rx 155/105, (Rx+ 185/125)
1 squat clean and jerk, Rx 185/125, (Rx+ 225/155)
@ every 2 min mark athlete must complete: 10 TTB
Begin workout with 10 TTB