Forge Fitness – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
6 single arm russian swings
6 front rack reverse lunges
6 single arm presses
3 windmills
Rest :60 sec switch side
• Any Object around the house. If you have a equipment then use a DB or KB.
Tempo: Metcon (Weight)
10 min window :
Build to heavy tempo Squat:
3 sec down,
2 sec @ the bottom
Drive up
1 sec @ the top
• Any Object around the house, gradually get heavier. If you have a equipment then use a bar, DB, or KB.
Metcon (No Measure)
Complete 3 Sets:
Backpack floor press x 8
Rest :30 sec
Backpack bent over rows x 8
Rest :30 sec
Object HOLD :30 sec
Rest :30 sec
Tate press x 8
Rest :30 sec
Bent over row x 8
Rest :30 sec
Object HOLD x :30 sec
Rest :30 sec
5 RFT:
15 Backpack deadlifts
15 Backpack presses
15 DB/KB deadlifts
15 DB/KB swings
Object hold: grab something in clean grip: barbell, KB, DB, plates, broom etc.
WOD: Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
5 Broad Jumps
:15 sec sprint
Rest as need.
Rest as need