Tuesday WOD
Squat Clean (1×12 @ 60-65%)
Performed as 12 quality singles
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
EMOM x 20min
10 min:
1) :40 Max DB Box Step Ups (24/20″),(Rx 35/25)/(Rx+ 50/35)*
2) 40 Double Unders
10 min:
1) :40 Max DB Burpee Deadlifts*
2) 8 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
10 min:
1) :40 Max DB Box Step Ups (24/20″),(Rx 35/25)/(Rx+ 50/35)*
2) 40 Double Unders
10 min:
1) :40 Max DB Burpee Deadlifts*
2) 8 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
Score is number of reps of Step Ups and Burpee Deadlifts
*Two DBs are used