Wednesday At Home WOD

Forge Fitness – WOD

Todays workout will be 30 seconds of work/15 seconds of rest for a total of 30 minutes. There are 6 different “stations” for 28 rounds. you will be at each station for 4 rounds except for the last station, which is 8 rounds. The Rx+ option is the KB/DB/Limited Equipment option

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Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

30 Min Running Clock: Once You Start, DO NOT STOP.

4 rounds of: (6 min total)

:30 sec handstand hold (Rx+ OH DB hold)

:15 sec rest

:30 sec air squat (Rx+ DB OHS squat, switch arms each round)

:15 sec rest


4 rounds of: (3 min total)

:30 sec lateral Burpees over the object

:15 sec rest


4 rounds of: (6 min total)

:30 sec hollow body hold

:15 sec rest

:30 sec Russian twist

:15 sec rest


4 rounds of: (3 min total)

:30 sec jumping jacks (Rx+ double unders)

:15 sec rest


4 rounds of: (6 min total)

:30 sec plank

:15 sec rest

:30 sec straight leg sit-ups (Rx+ weighted straight leg sit-ups)

:15 sec rest


8 rounds of: (6 min total)

:30 sec cardio

:15 sec rest

• Run, bike erg, Row, your choice
Score is total reps accumulated.

Write how many meters, or calories, or distance ran for the cardio station in the comments.