

1. Forge Photo Challenge:
Submit your best fitness photo/video (working out, nutrition, recreation, etc.) By
June 30th
Submit by uploading photos to social media and using #forgefitnessphotochallenge
Person with the best photo/video gets a free MyZone Heart Rate Monitor!!
Snatch (5×1)
Build to 75-80% of 1 RM, then complete 5 sets of 1 at that load.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Minute AMRAP:
5 Snatches, 135/95#
10 Pull Ups
400m Run

Record number of rounds and reps completed.

Competition Standard (Rx+):
Replace 10 Pull Ups with 2 Rope Climbs

Masters 55+ (Rx):
Barbell: 95/65#
Ring Rows
500/400m Row

Barbell: 115/85#, 95/65#, or lighter
Jumping Pull Ups, Ring Rows