Forge Fitness – WOD
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
A. 2 Sets:
30 Jumping Jacks
10/Side Bulgarian split squat
2 sets
10 Glute bridge
20 seconds bottom of squat hold
B. Squats 6 x 12
Rest as needed between sets
*Find anything that can be used as weight: – Car Tires – Wind Washer fluid jugs
C. E3MOM for 18 minutes
400m run and 50′ Walking lunges (or 30 reps)
D. 3 Sets
10 Bird Dogs
Score is for Part C. Total Rounds Successfully completed. 6 Rounds if you complete all rounds within the timeframe.
Make run shorter to finish in under 2:00
Write Odd Object used in comments. Feel free to get creative here!