Monday WOD

Forge Fitness – WOD

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 RFT:

5 air squats

3 inch worms

:10 sec lateral plank (on hand)


3 RFT: (Time)

10 squat jumps or single-arm thrusters

5 lateral burpees (over an object)

10 straight leg sit-ups

5 lateral burpees (over an object)

10 squat jumps or single-arm thrusters

5 lateral burpees (over an object)

10 straight leg sit-ups

5 lateral burpees (over an object)

-rest 2min-
– For the workout format. You will complete one rounds, rest 2 mins than complete 2 more rounds. Add all three WOD times together for one total time.

– For the thrusters these can be single arm, but still only 10 total. If you have a barbell then you may use 95/65lbs for barbell weight.


Metcon (No Measure)

10 rounds: “track work”

:10 sec sprints

rest as needed