Mayhem Affiliate 10/25/2023

Forge Fitness – WOD

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Back Squat

Back Squat:

– Establish an 6 RM for the day. Then, perform a drop set of 4-6 reps at 90% and 4-6 reps 85% of the original 6RM.

Workout (3 Rounds for time)

Vincent van Gogh

800m Run

-at 8:00-

30/24 Calorie Row

30 Single Arm Alternating Devil Press (50/35)

30/24 Calorie Row

-at 16:00-

800m Run


Target time each set:

Run 1&2: 2:30-3:30

Workout: 6-7 minutes

Time cap each set:

Run 1&2: 5 minutes

Workout: 8 minutes