Forge Fitness – WOD
Warm-up (No Measure)
25 jumping jacks
10 pass throughs
10 cossack squats
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Every 10 min for 30 min
6 min Ruck: (Walk, Jog, Carry, March, Bike Etc)*
2 min AMRAP:
Max back pack cleans or KB/DB cleans
*Perform ruck with a vest, backpack, or carrying weight. You may use the back pack or object you have to complete the cleans as well
– Athletes will ruck/move for 6 minutes. At the 6 minute mark perform as many power cleans as possible for 2 minutes. Then rest for 2 minutes.
Repeat this 3 times –
Score is total number of cleans. Write how far you rucked and with what piece of equipment in the comments.